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In recognition that millions of Californians receive a substantial volume of healthcare services from complementary and alternative health care practitioners, California Law allows access by California residents to complementary and alternative healthcare practitioners who are not providing services that require medical training and credentials. The following disclosure is provided in compliance with Section 2053.6 of the California Business and Professions Code.


The purpose of a program of hypnotherapy is for vocational and avocational self-improvement (Business and Professions Code 2908) and as alternative or complementary treatment to healing arts services licensed by the state. A hypnotherapist is not a licensed physician or psychologist, and hypnotherapy services are not licensed by the State of California. Services are non-diagnostic and do not include the practice of medicine, neither should they be considered as a substitute for licensed medical or psychological services or procedures.


If you are under the care of licensed mental health professional and/or taking any medications, you understand and agree to consult with your Doctor prior undergoing Hypnosis. That includes participating in 1:1 sessions, group sessions, online courses, or programs. Hypnosis is not suitable for people suffering from following disorders, including but not limited to: psychosis, schizophrenia, epilepsy, severe depression, drug or alcohol addiction, chronic pain that has not been diagnosed by a licensed health care professional, and others.


Hypnotherapists who assist clients with weight loss and/or other health and fitness goals may provide general nutritional advice and/or recommend published books, food guides and health and fitness publications. This is not a substitute for medical advice, and you are advised to seek your Doctor’s approval before making any medical/health/lifestyle changes.


During the session Hypnotherapist/Hypnotist may use variety of modalities including but not limited to: guided imagery, NLP (neurolinguistic programing), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Energy modalities such as EFT: may be used in conjunction with hypnotherapy. EFT works with body’s energy system through tapping with the fingertips at end-points of the body’s energy meridians to release blockage that cause negative emotions.


Services consist of a program of conditioning, including an undetermined number of private sessions, group session, online videos/courses/programs, depending on the client’s individual needs. The hypnotist will to the best of his or her ability endeavor to accomplish the objectives of the client’s sessions. While hypnosis may be an effective technique for many purposes, the effectiveness may vary from individual to individual, and no specific results or progress can be promised or guaranteed.


The feelings and experiences one has in the hypnotic state can vary from individual to individual. Many people remain completely aware of everything that is going on while in hypnosis. Some individuals experience a hyper-awareness where sensations are perceived enriched and vivid. The ability to visualize or imagine is often enhanced. A feeling of deep relaxation is common, and some people describe the hypnotic state as an escape from physical tension and emotional stress, while remaining completely alert.


The use of hypnosis could elicit memories of past events which may or may not be literally true. It is possible that events under hypnosis will be distorted or misconstrued. Memories or images evoked under hypnosis are not necessarily accurate and may be a construction or a composite of memories. Without corroborating information, it is not possible to determine whether a specific memory is true or false, even if it seems true to the client.


While it is the practice of Hypnotherapists to keep information confidential, information revealed in hypnotherapy is not subject to the psychotherapist-patient privilege. A court may order disclosure of information learned in therapy.

All information presented by Marta Kova Vibrant Hypnotherapy LLC (“we”, “us”, “our”) and website including links, books, publications, courses, programs, videos, social media, presentations are for general purpose only and it is not a substitute for a medical, nutritional, financial, legal, or any other professional advice. All information are provided in good faith, however, there is no representation, guarantee, or warranty regarding accuracy and availability of the information. The results are never guaranteed.

The site may contain testimonials. These are personal opinions and experiences and have not been clinically evaluated or proven. Your results may vary.


Under no circumstances Marta Kova Vibrant Hypnotherapy LLC shall be responsible for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a results of reading, listening or watching any material presented by Marta Kova Vibrant Hypnotherapy LLC.


Do not drive or operate any machinery nor participate in any other tasks that require full attention while reading, listening, or watching any material presented.


By continuing you understand and agree to all the above statements.


Marta Kova Vibrant Hypnotherapy LLC

1968 S Coast Hwy, #2824

Laguna Beach, CA 92651
